Friday, June 15, 2007

Wow, I think that I could be done

with my Spring quarter. I finished my paper on Subject Classification... I'll proof in the morning, but I think I'm done.

Some things I've learned:

1. No matter what, I will NEVER EVER take four classes at one time. NEVER. EVER. Plus a part time job and volunteering. Enough!

2. My health is more important that school. I'm going to stop abusing my body with caffiene and lack of sleep. Although, I have learned to appreciate Peet's coffee.

3. If I want, it is now possible for me to graduate early. I really want to take collection development though, and it is only offered in the Spring. *sigh*

Now to do some laundry and sleep. Peace out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I don't know about you, but I'm finding it harder and harder to deal with a lack of sleep. I used to be able to go to work on 2 hours of sleep, and now anything less than 7 makes me feel ill! What happened?

But you know I can't condone cutting back on caffeine. Caffeine is the wonder elixer that makes everything better. :-)

Oh, and personally I think you should graduate early. You can take coll dev (as I used to write it in my notes!) later through extension, or learn it on the job.