Friday, April 3, 2009

800 dollar cardigan

Looking at this makes me think several things.

1. Reminds me of a Todd Oldham project in a craft magazine from a couple of years ago. I can't remember the name of the mag, but I can see it in my mind. It is something hip and diy. Basically take a bunch of thrift store sweaters, cut them up, and assemble them into a cool multi-colored pullover.

2. This would be super fun to knit with lots of random balls of yarn. You could basically take this pattern and tweak it for the perfect lookalike.

3. Both of these projects would not cost you 800 dollars.

I think the cardigan is super cool, and not just because Michelle Obama wore it yesterday on a state visit to the U.K. I would totally do that strip of sequins, just because.