Monday, March 5, 2007

tired. *sigh*

I'm nearing the home stretch. I have two HUGE papers due next Friday, and then a group project due the Friday after that.

At work I am working on putting together a Gertrude Stein exhibit as well as digitizing our California Cookbook collection. I pulled some photographs of her from the collection today, including the famous Man Ray with her in a leopard skin hat. Pretty neat.

Hubby is going away tomorrow for the whole week, and then he is back for a week, and then he leaves again for four days to give a guest lecture at Carnegie Mellon (his alma mater) on in-game physics and the mechanics behind the clambering system he build from the ground up. He is a smartie pants... I guess it is good timing, since I'll be busy too, but I know I'll miss him. *sigh*

I worked some more on my Calorimetry but with the weather warming up my heart isn't in it.

I guess today is the day for blahs.

I opened my big mouth to my cataloguing teacher that I've studied a fair amount of Spanish (ie four years) so now she has me cataloguing in Spanish. *sigh* On the flip side, since she doesn't read Spanish, she'll have to take my word for it.

Off to do homework.

I think I need to carry my alpaca swatch around again.


Anonymous said...

Are you CATALOGING in Spanish, or CATALOGUING in Spain? ;-)

I'm surprised your teachers don't get on you about the "u". UCLA library profs seem especially vehement about the american spelling of cataloging.

I love that Calorimetry pattern. I want to make one, but you're right about the weather changing. Now I'm all about the cotton tops!

Anonymous said...

I love the juxtaposition of Gertrude Stein and cookbooks...