Friday, March 28, 2008

Cooking is Crafty too

So, I've been kinda down about the whole "you are great, but we are heading into a hiring freeze, so figures crossed" dealio, which naturally led to think about money, as in saving money. Saving money makes me happy, so I started thinking about fun ways to save money, and to look around at my life at ways that I could do better.

One thing that bothers me is that I don't plan ahead and pack my lunches. I'm just really bad about mornings, and more often than not, if I do make a lunch the night before, I end up forgetting it in my fridge. It is frustrating to then go buy lunch when you know you have one sitting at home, pining away.

So, I've decided to see if I can make my lunch (and eat it!) everyday for the Spring quarter, a la wardrobe refashion. I'm taking a ten week pledge to brown bag my lunch, with, of course, one get out jail free card.

So, if you have any great lunch recipes, send them my way. One thing I really love is my stepdad's tabouleh, so I emailed him for the recipe. Recipes are always welcome, so pass those along if you like.

I am a fan of, anyone else have a fav cite?

Looking at my freezer I have ground turkey, a pack of 12 pork chops, chicken, and some stir-fry veggies. Hmmmm.... what to make?

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are so good we eat them for dinner:,1977,FOOD_9936_27264,00.html

Making them is kindof a pain in the ass, but you'd probably have enough for most of the week. I'm a big fan of stuff you can make in bulk on the weekend and take all week. When I'm being disciplined I make stuff like chili & cornbread, all kinds of pasta dishes, and fajitas or tacos. When I'm being lazy it's canned soup and crackers. :-)

You're brave to attempt this goal!