See sometimes a girl has to buy some alpaca when it matches her nail polish. The alpaca is Misti Alpaca, bulky, three skeins for the Red Scarf Project.
Also, you'll notice that two things: one, that I am on a major tweed kick, and two, I'm on a major vintage yarn kick, especially when it is tweed and CHEAP. I bought all of it, since I know that I'll never match those dye lots again. There is no yardage on the vintage yarn, but it says it is 50 grams a ball of virgin wool, on a size ten needle. Is there any way to determine yardage from that?
awesome stuff. I loooove the alpaca. I want some yarn that matches my toes! :-)
The only surefire way to determine yardage is to skein it. Wrap it around something like the back of a chair. Measure what you're wrapping it around in inches, then count the number of times you've gone around. Multiply those together and divide by 36 to get yards. But guesstimating works too, and I'd guess it's somewhere around 100 yards per ball.
wow, very nice!
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