Monday, June 11, 2007

Wardrobe Refashion

Cool Idea. I like the pledge aspect.


Anonymous said...

Very cool idea. I would totally do it if I didn't always end up needing to buy like one thing for every project to finish it...

Anonymous said...

I love this idea. It used to be hard for me to stay away from shopping, but now that I've realized how much stuff I have in my storage units I just remind myself that I have to go shopping in my storage units first! If I just can't help it, I tell myself that it's fiber or clothes and that usually keeps me out of Express.

...Buying stuff to finish a project is totally OK in my book.

- Miss Sophie said...

I agree, if you are buying something to finish a project, then that is classified as a "supply" and supplies are acceptable.

Ivy, did you want to pool funds for the snaps, plastic and interfacing for the travel wallet for craft day?

Anonymous said...

I just get frustrated 'cause I'll have to buy somethng like, say, bias tape, which I have in 57 different colors but I need that 68th color...

I'm down for combining resources for travel wallets. I'll have to look at the materials list again, i might have some snaps (but they might be the wrong color...)

There is a JoAnn's like .5 mile from my parents' house in case we need a supply run, too.

- Miss Sophie said...

I always "need" a supply run. :)