Monday, March 31, 2008

Mail Call

My LAPL interview results arrived in the mail today.

I got a 95 out of 100.

C'mon, you know you wanna hire me.

James Beard Award Nominees

Today's Lunch Menu

Red Baby Potatoes, with Onions and Herb-crusted Chicken Breast. I wanted to finish up the potatoes before they sprouted other potatoes, and besides, we were out of rice.

I would have taken a photo, but it didn't look that pretty. I'm thinking, if I have time, I'll run out to the grocery store for some greens, so I can fix a colorful salad for tomorrow.


Friday, March 28, 2008

Cooking is Crafty too

So, I've been kinda down about the whole "you are great, but we are heading into a hiring freeze, so figures crossed" dealio, which naturally led to think about money, as in saving money. Saving money makes me happy, so I started thinking about fun ways to save money, and to look around at my life at ways that I could do better.

One thing that bothers me is that I don't plan ahead and pack my lunches. I'm just really bad about mornings, and more often than not, if I do make a lunch the night before, I end up forgetting it in my fridge. It is frustrating to then go buy lunch when you know you have one sitting at home, pining away.

So, I've decided to see if I can make my lunch (and eat it!) everyday for the Spring quarter, a la wardrobe refashion. I'm taking a ten week pledge to brown bag my lunch, with, of course, one get out jail free card.

So, if you have any great lunch recipes, send them my way. One thing I really love is my stepdad's tabouleh, so I emailed him for the recipe. Recipes are always welcome, so pass those along if you like.

I am a fan of, anyone else have a fav cite?

Looking at my freezer I have ground turkey, a pack of 12 pork chops, chicken, and some stir-fry veggies. Hmmmm.... what to make?

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Anyone wanna hire a librarian?

I did really well at my interview today.

But, they said that they don't have much, if any, money to hire in the near future. They'll know more in April, when the Mayor releases his budget.

Damn you Carcetti!*


Well, at least I got in some practice with the whole interview process.

*Reference to The Wire. Awesome show, I highly recommend it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I was in danger of having a day so bad

that not even the new Knitty could make a difference.

But after I got past all the stress, I was able to pull myself together.

In better news, I totally rocked my storytelling final yesterday, so one class down, three to go.

Aah, life, it does throw some curveballs.

Also, I found out that my local yarn store stocks Tatany Tweed, so I don't have to pay shipping. Now, I just have to wait for their next shipment of Navy.

Saturday, March 1, 2008